WE Knives Hyperactive Vanax Folder Arctic Storm Fat Carbon Inlays WE23030-3

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  • Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in require_once() (line 341 of /home/archerywinner/public_html/includes/module.inc).
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Two-Tone Black Stonewash Satin Vanax Steel Compound Ground Drop Point Blade Fast Flipping Ball Bearing Action Blue & Black Titanium Handles w/Arctic Storm FatCarbon Inlays Frame Lock Mech Vanax Offers Exceptional Corrosion Resistance & Edge Retention Description: The WE Knives Hyperactive Flipper folder is class all the way! A Vanax drop point blade is compound ground and offers extreme corrosion resistance. Different inlays in the titanium frame add to the high-end look of this stunner. Put a new steel in your rotation today!
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